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Recommended "New" Books

We love new books too!  Below are some titles that aren't currently in the shop, but still come highly recommended.

*Clicking the graphic will lead you to our amazon link.  By using the link to purchase the book, you will be helping us maintain and run this website, as we receive a small commission for each purchase. Thank you in advance!


Howl's Moving Castle

*Ashlee's Pick*

This entrancing classic fantasy novel is filled with surprises at every turn. An international bestseller, this much-loved book is the source for the Academy Award nominee for Best Animated Feature.

*Read Ashlee's Review Post here.


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Howard's End

One of Julee's current reads she is enjoying while listening to the commentary on The Literary Life Podcast.

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Let the Women Be Women

This is a current read from Julee's Tuesday Night Titus 2 study.  The women are nearing the end of this book, and Julee will be giving a review soon!

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A Midsummer Night's Dream

*Just left Julee's TBR stack and marked "Read!"

Julee read this Shakespeare Classic as her first read of 2024, following along with A Literary Life Podcast's 2024 Booklist.

Read more about A Literary Life Podcast and their 2024 Booklist here.

Review coming soon!

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Gentle and Lowly

This is the first read from Julee and Ashlee's church's new Book Club.

Stayed tuned for a book review from Julee!

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How to Study the Bible

A perfect book to use when discipling new believers or for someone studying the Bible for the first time.

Julee is currently taking a young mom through this book.

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