Things have been a little busy around here this summer! I can't believe I missed posting last Thursday! It's a little late, but here is last week's Journal Entry.

Casey: You're still here, we think that you've been here so long you don't want to leave. Just kidding. Well, back to the roller coaster ride. Mom was right about you turning blue. We found out later that we almost lost you. We were going crazy.
Last week they diagnosed you with having pneumonia. You were very sick. Everybody was so concerned about you but you seem to be doing very well.
You gave me my first smile today - it just warmed my heart. You were actually happy. We gave you a bath today and you didn't even cry. You just drank your whole bottle and fell asleep.
You are a tough little dude!!!
The roller coaster sometimes never seems to stop twisting and turning in our lives, does it? And just when things seem their darkest, God gives you a glimpse of his mercy, grace, and glory. In this case, it was Paxton's smile - letting us know he was getting better and was going to be OK.
What a precious picture. Paxton looks so happy.