I wish everyone a very happy and prosperous new year!! Here’s a little pargraph from A Thousand Reasons Why about New Year’s 1999 in the hospital. I’ll see you in 2022 with the newsletter and exciting things for the new year!
We stared at each other, anticipating Dick Clark’s announcement of the New Year - 1999. We kissed in the New Year, Casey’s body snuggled up next to me in my hospital bed. “Darn, we’re still here,” I said. “Happy 1999!” I don’t know why, but we fully expected (hoped for?) Jesus to return right at the new year’s turning, and not have to worry about the baby, hospitals, Mocha, or anything else. We’d all be in heaven and enjoy paradise forever. We looked over at the window just in time to see fireworks exploding off in the distance. What a great view! Casey snuggled me a little tighter and whispered, “At least we’re all together.”