I finished relating my story to a woman sitting next to me at Women’s Bible Study. She looked at me intently, searching my soul with her eyes. “You are so strong! I could never go through something like that,” she said with awe.
It took me by surprise - because I wasn’t strong. I couldn’t be strong. Who could go through the tragedy of losing a child and be strong? I was a crumpled up mess inside!!
I took a deep breath and let the Holy Spirit answer her.
“I’m not strong at all. The only reason I made it through that is because Jesus was strong for me. I wouldn’t be here without Him. I would have never made it through that!”
This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
*Wanna hear the whole story? I’m writing a book about it!! If you haven’t already, subscribe to the blog so you can get a sneak peek in the upcoming weeks!

Beautiful post, but it made me sad. No mother should have to lose a child. I would love to read your book and follow your blog for a sneak peak, but am not seeing any option to do so.
Your FMF neighbor #19