Springtime has sprung! I thought to myself as looked out onto the little pods of leaves pushing out from the dry, old branch. I could have sworn they weren’t there yesterday! Did they spring up overnight?!
It’s really miraculous when you think about it. One day a branch can look dead and ugly, and then the miracle of life begins to present itself, slowly unfurling until a beautiful new creation emerges, displaying God's glory and greatness.
This happens in us too, when we become new creatures in Christ! We were once dead, but our belief and the Holy Spirit causes Jesus's light to shine through us for the world to see the glory of God - His sovereignty, goodness, creativity, love, and mercy.
*This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up!
I agree. I appreciate your words here. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
I wondered where they had all gone,
the flowers and each gentle leaf,
all Creation turned to brown
a sackcloth shroud of grief
that rustles sad in the gusting wind,
and rattles, minor key,
lament for a world that that sinned
so very willingly.
But lo! there is a flash of green
arising from a tender bud,
and what can this miracle mean
but harbinger of flood
of grace by which the world is shaken,
the sign that we are not forsaken.