The doorbell rings.
He charges the door, his bark clanging throughout the house.
I swiftly follow after him and firmly and calmly say, “Gentle. Say ‘Hi’.”
His body relaxes, but his nub of a tail anxiously wags in anticiaption of meeting this new friend.
I open the door, and remind him of his command, “Gentle.”
He excitedly sniffs our guest, and whines for “pets.”
We walk along the sidewalks of our rural neighborhood, the trees in bloom with the freshness of Spring. We both notice a fellow walker with companion alongside. As we approach each other, I softly give the command, “Gentle.” He excited darts towards the companion and abundant sniffing commences from both parties. We have made a new friend!
This post is part of Five-Minute Friday Link-up - to learn more, click here -

I love this, such a beautiful companion you have there. Such a sweet dog. Thank you so much for sharing. Blessings,
Visiting from FMF#11
There's something 'bout an Aussie,
something wild and gentle,
something kind and bossy,
and something very mental.
They have the stare to match your own,
win stare-down every time,
and when you think your skill has grown,
they'll cross another line
of canine intelligence
that's far beyond our ken,
and we should put down all pretense
and remember when
Adam got to name the Dog,
he just reversed letters of God.
What a sweet pup!