Happy Fall!!
I've been working really hard on some fun things for you!!
First of all, you may remember my first book project I published last Novemeber - Seasons: Autumn to Winter. It is available through Amazon:
In celebration of my favorite season - Autumn 🍂- I've lowered the price from $12.99 to $9.99.
It's meant to be a lovely coffee-table book to browse and flip through all season long with inspirational anecdotes, hymns, prayers, and poems.
🍁Secondly, I'm offering this book as an ebook on Kindle!! You don't quite get the same effect as having it in your hands, but it is still a wonderful way to enjoy the lovely pictures and stories.
*BONUS -From 9/1 - 9/5, IT IS FREE!!*
After that it will go back to its regular price of $.99.
I'm so excited to share this little book with you all! I hope it blesses you immensely!❤
